A manufactory relies on highly skilled employees. Long hours of practice have produced quite a few masters. Allow us to introduce some of them to you.

Inside MÜHLE: Cathrin Hörnig

She loves the variety in the collection: Sometimes Cathrin Hörnig works with wood, like the reddish-shimmering thuja wood of the Stylo series, other times with black precious resin as in some Kosmo items, or – like today – with chromed metal. Today, under her hands, several parts are being assembled into razor holders. These are meticulously inspected by the assembly worker – is the quality right? Does everything fit? Or does something need to be replaced due to quality issues? Only then can the base and forks be combined in such a way that the razor, when finally placed in the holder, forms a nice straight line.

“You really need a good and well-trained eye for our work in assembly,” says Cathrin. Here, besides razor holders, razors and brushes are also assembled – essentially everything that requires assembly and is part of the MÜHLE range.


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