Inside MÜHLE: Lukas Berthold
Lukas Berthold has everything in view. Not only thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows that have allowed him to look over the packaging and shipping stations since the new production hall was completed last year. But also by virtue of his position. As the production manager at MÜHLE, he is responsible for ensuring that – as the saying goes – everything runs smoothly. “We have a high level of vertical integration here,” says Lukas. “From the CNC machines, to polishing, brush head production, assembly, packaging, and shipping. Everything has to work in harmony.” And ensuring that it does, that each department is well-utilized but not overburdened, and that the products are available to customers when they need them, is precisely his job.
He starts his day at the computer: Which orders came in overnight? Which department needs to accomplish what today, have any new priorities arisen? Does any planning need to be adjusted? Who needs to talk? Berthold is responsible for 50 employees, ensuring they can work, that they are well taken care of, and that any questions they have are answered.
“I appreciate the familiarity we have with each other, even with the management, and that we work so well and closely together,” says Lukas. He also enjoys thinking in terms of processes, always looking for ways to make things a bit better and more efficient, and finding which products can be optimized. “I enjoy that.”
It was an acquaintance who told him about MÜHLE. Lukas Berthold was born and raised here, later leaving for Dresden to study industrial engineering with many plans, not necessarily including returning to rural life. He laughs. The tasks intrigued him, as did what he knew about the working atmosphere at MÜHLE. After some back and forth, he finally decided to take the plunge. He says, “That was 10 years ago, and I can’t imagine leaving here again.”